Recycled spectacles for TCP

Update to TCP Recycling Scheme

We have added more items to our recycling scheme after it’s huge success since it’s launch in June 2024.

We are on a mission to reduce the amount of waste Tollesbury produces and that goes to landfill. Our scheme collects items that are not able to be recycled from home in your recycling pink bags. Sadly because of this many reusable items end up in landfill, until now.

We initially launched the scheme to collect the following items:

Pens and pencils
Make up
Water filters
Printer ink cartridges
Plant pots (clean only)
Soft plastics
Medication and asthma pumps
Egg boxes

We have seen a fantastic uptake across the village and collected over 100kg of waste to date. This new scheme has made it easy for villagers to recycle these items at our local shops, schools and businesses. Then TCP and a band of volunteers collect these materials and dispose of them at established recycling points outside of the village. The journeys to recycle these items are incorporated into existing journeys, to not add any extra fuel consumption.

To build on this success we are now excited to introduce the following items, in addition to the existing items, that we will be collecting across our drop off points throughout the village.

New items (in addition to existing):

Empty medication blister packs
Rubber bands
Candle wax
Small electrical wires
Contact lens cases
Used stamps
Compost bags (clean only)

As part of these new items we have been fortunate to be supported by councillor Emma Stephens and councillor Mark Durham to secure funding through our application to ECC’s Locality Fund to enable blister pack recycling to be included in this scheme.

Blister packs are not able to be recycled locally currently therefore we will collect them, box them up and send to a specialist recycling plant. There are significant costs associated with this therefore the funding we have secured is a start but further funding will be required to allow TCP to keep this service going into the future.

Blister Pack Recycling Box

Thank you

We want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have used this scheme to divert your items from landfill and not to mention our fantastic hosts that house our collection points and have been so supportive of this scheme to make it such a success.

Collection Points

To see where you can recycle your items click on the link below:

TCP Recycling Poster

If you want to get involved or have any questions about our scheme then contact us at

