Tree planting in Tollesbury

To date we have planted approximately 1,300 trees across the village which as they grow will combat climate change by capturing carbon out of the air and storing it, reducing pollution and keeping soils nutrient rich. Not to mention a multitude of other environmental benefits.

The Queens Green Canopy – The Rec & Cemetery – 19th & 20th March 2022 (420 Trees)

In 2022 the Queens Green Canopy project was launched in partnership with the woodland trust to mark the Queen’s platinum jubilee and to mark the event by planting trees across the country. The woodland trust offered tree packs which included tree whips, canes and tree tubes for free to mark the occasion. TCP then worked with the parish council and identified two sites which would benefit from new tree planting. These sites were the recreation ground and the cemetery. The recreation ground has a boundary hedgerow on the eastern side which over the years had become fragmented therefore TCP proposed to plug the gaps of the hedge and link up the hedgerow once again. The cemetery on the other hand did not have a boundary hedgerow on its western side therefore TCP proposed to plant one linking up the existing boundary trees. A corner section was included to create a small copse in the south-western corner where suitable trees were selected.

Both proposals were met with a lot of support and the dates were set for the 19th and 20th of March 2022. We applied for the maximum number of trees on offer from the Woodland Trust which consisted of 420 trees. Our application was successful, and we received these native saplings a few weeks prior to the planting weekend. The trees received were a mix of native broadleaves including Oak, Field Maple, Rose, Hawthorn, Sorbus, Hazel to name a few.

The event was advertised throughout the village, and we were fortunate to have sun all weekend, the turnout was fantastic with hundreds of families coming along to plant the trees.

The locations to where the trees were to be planted were marked out. The volunteers who turned up to plant the trees were given a demonstration on how to plant the trees. They were than given a bundle of trees each and wooden tags which they could write their names on to attach to the trees. Soil was donated by Appleton’s (Loamylands Farm) and wood chippings by Bonz which would give the trees a head start. Refreshments were provided cakes and drinks for all.

Tree planting 2 – Cemetery – 3rd December 2022 (320 Trees) & Tree of Trees Planting

After the success of our first tree planting project we wanted to build upon this. The Queen’s Green Canopy project had been extended due to the passing of her majesty Queen Elizabeth in September 2022. We ordered a further lot of 420 mixed native broadleaf trees from the woodland trust. This time we identified more planting could be undertaken at the cemetery to strengthen the boundary hedgerow we had previously installed. Extra rows were added in the hope that as the trees grow they would form a dense multi species hedgerow.

Also a tree of trees living sculpture had been installed outside of Buckingham palace for two weeks comprising of 350 trees in aluminium pots on a structure of reclaimed steel branches. Once the sculpture was removed the trees were then distributed to community groups and organisations across the country and TCP were selected to be given one of these trees. We were given a beautiful Hazel tree which was presented to us by the Lord Lieutenant Jennifer Tolhurst. Andrew St Joseph and Jonathan Smith collected the tree on behalf of TCP.

We were lucky again to have good weather although it being a winter chilly day and we planted the tree of trees with special guest the Deputy Lieutenant of Essex Julie Fosh. The tree was decorated with insignias from local groups.

There was another good turnout from the village with many families and villagers coming out to plant trees. Again we had soil donated to us by Appleton’s and wood chippings from Bonz.

Refreshments provided on the day as always, various cakes and warm drinks to keep everyone warm.

Tree planting 3 – Marina – April 16th 2023 (100 Trees)

This tree planting event saw a number of TCP volunteers plant various trees throughout a section of scrub at Tollesbury marina. Being close to the coast and the wind and salt meant we selected hardier species to be planted in the hope they would establish. Approximately 100 trees were planted throughout the space. The trees had been set aside from the previous lot from the woodland trust.

Tree planting 4 – Marina – Sea Buckthorn – 2024 (30 trees)

Unfortunately many of the trees planted at the previous session at Tollesbury marina had not survived therefore we looked at a different species which would be more suited to the conditions. Sea buckthorn was chosen to be planted and we were fortunate to receive a donation from Perrywood garden centre which covered the cost of these trees. A group of TCP volunteers planted all of the sea buckthorn throughout the same area of scrub which had been planted up previously.

Tree planting 4 – The Rec – April 6th 2024 (420 Trees)

After the success of the previous tree planting sessions we were keen to plant more trees throughout Tollesbury. This time the recreation ground was identified that more tree planting could be undertaken to strengthen the boundary hedgerow on the eastern side. The majority of the trees planted along the boundary previously had thrived and TCP undertook various watering and weeding sessions in which helped these trees along the way.

We worked closely with Tollesbury parish council to propose where the trees could be planted to which they were in full support. We then applied for another 420 trees from the woodland trust. This time plastic tubes and canes were not provided so we had to look elsewhere to source these. Fortunately we didn’t have to look to far from Tollesbury. Bamboo canes were donated by Jane Wells from her bamboo in her garden in Tollesbury. Second hand tree tubes were donated by Essex wildlife trust from their reserve at Abbots Hall farm. We had great weather again and a huge turnout from the village. Villagers were given a demonstration as to how to plant the trees and then they planted the trees. As well as cakes and refreshments to keep the volunteers going.

Throughout this time we have working groups which meet at either the recreation ground or cemetery on the first Saturday of the month around 1pm to maintain the trees. This consists of weeding, watering and replacing dead trees where necessary. If you would like to get involved then we would love to hear from you and contact us on to find out when our next working party is. Or click on the following link to access our Tree Maintenance Poster, including up and coming dates.

