Looking after trees, Tollesbury

New TCP Recycling Scheme

We are on a mission to reduce the amount of waste Tollesbury produces and that goes to landfill. We have launched our first recycling scheme to collect items that are not recycled in the Maldon District Council pink recycling bags.

Our scheme collects items that are not convenient to recycle from home and currently requires individuals to find unique recycling points across various locations. Many of these items end up in landfill, as they are less straight forward to recycle.

The introduction of this new scheme will make it easy for villagers to recycle these items at our local shops, schools and businesses.  TCP and a band of volunteers will collect these materials and dispose them at established recycling points outside of the village. The journeys to recycle these items will be incorporated into existing journeys, to not add any extra fuel consumption.

Please see the poster, below and around the village, to see where you can drop off your items to be recycled. We have used this opportunity to highlight other collection points which are already established.

If you want to get involved or have any questions about our scheme then contact us at reduce@tollesburyclimate.org

